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e d u c a t i o n
MPhil Contemporary Art, John Moores University, Liverpool. BA (Hons) Fine Art, Central Saint Martins, London. Diploma in Display & Exhibition Design, School of Applied Arts, Vevey, Switzerland. s o l o e x h i b i t i o n s Remake, The Function Room, London. Only the Skin of Water, VOG, Contemporary Art Centre of Fontaine, Grenoble, France. Blue Lake, Room 12, The Function Room, London. 3C 75 - I’ll go on I will Yes, Process Room, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin. seven forty pm, Martine & Thibault de la Châtre Gallery, Paris. With the support of the Centre National des Arts Plastiques and the Mairie de Paris. They creep through my fingers to the deep, in collaboration with Jacques-Alexandre Gillois, Ipso Facto Gallery, Nantes, France. g r o u p e x h i b i t i o n s Parallax Art Fair, London. Insolite, Art & Public, Geneva, Switzerland. On the Strength of Empathy, Art Festival Watou, Belgium. …, with Marlene Haring, Eva Stenram, Rachel Tweddell, Anthony Auerbach, Anna Strand; The Function Room, London. Cathy, Jean-Paul et les autres, 8 rue Saint Bon, Paris. Stately, Yes, Ollone Gallery, École supérieur des Beaux-Arts of Angers, France. Une nuit / Eine nacht, Le Carreau and Castel Coucou, Forbach, France. Realfictions, L’Indépendance Gallery, Luxembourg. Zero Crossing, La Générale en Manufacture, Sèvres, France. Les Élixirs de Panacée, curator: Ami Barak; Palais Bénédictine, Fécamp, France. Pas nécessaire et pourtant indispensable, 1979 - 2009: 30 ans d’art contemporain à Meymac, Saint-André Abbey, Meymac Contemporary Art Centre, France. Le complexe de Rittberger, Glassbox, Paris. Concours de monuments, on a proposition by Kristina Solomoukha and Elfi Turpin; Le Dojo, Nice, France. Consumer, First Sustainable Luxury Fair, Palais de Tokyo, Paris. Acclimatation, curator: Bénédicte Ramade; Villa Arson Contemporary Art Centre, Nice. FIAC, Martine & Thibault de la Châtre Gallery, Cour carrée du Louvre, Paris. Je est il, Je sont ils?, Saint-André Abbey, Meymac Contemporary Art Centre, France. Feu la sonde, curator: Pascal Bircher, with Raphaël Cuomo & Maria Iorio, Rodolphe Huguet, Gyan Panchal, Evariste Richer; Martine & Thibault de la Châtre Gallery, Paris. Fragile, La Générale, Paris. Cosa Nostra, Glassbox, Paris. FIAC, Martine & Thibault de la Châtre Gallery, Cour carrée du Louvre, Paris. Tomorrow Never Comes, with Sylvain Rousseau, Kristina Solomoukha; Martine & Thibault de la Châtre Gallery, Paris. Premier Jour, curators: Claire Jacquet & Laurent Montaron, with Ulla von Brandenburg, Evariste Richer, Phillip Sollmann; IrmaVepLab, Châtillon-sur-Marne, France. Super, 19th International Workshops of the Frac des Pays de la Loire, with Jan Christensen, François Curlet, H. H. Lim, Nicolas Moulin, Kristina Solomoukha, Ttrioreau; Frac des Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, France. w o r k e x p e r i e n c e Talk for Tate Exchange Liverpool, Tate Liverpool. Lecture at the École supérieur des Beaux-Arts of Angers, France. 6 inches: Lecture at the Alliance Française of Dublin. 3C 75 - I’ll go on I will Yes: Organisation of a conference with Tim O’Neill (calligrapher) and Luke Drury (astrophysicist), Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin. On se fait des films: Conception and direction of a workshop within the Artistic and Cultural Project classes program of the French Ministry of National Education, Joliot Curie Primary School, Pantin, Seine-Saint-Denis, France. Que des histoires: Conception and direction of a workshop for Les Fabriques d’Art Contemporain of the MAC/VAL (Val-de-Marne Contemporary Art Museum), Vitry, France. Storyboard: Conception and direction of a workshop at the Fresnes prison through the MAC/VAL and the Val-de-Marne Penitentiary Service of Integration and Probation. Curator for the Esquirol psychiatric Hospital, Saint-Maurice, France. Contributor in social and cultural actions for the MAC/VAL (lecturer and artist contributor), Val-de-Marne, France. Pixel exquis: Conception and direction of a workshop for the Charcot Secondary School, Fresnes, resulting in an installation which was part of the show Arts Plastiques et nouvelles technologies, Art and History Museum, Saint-Denis, France. La ville malléable: Conception and direction of an out-of-school workshop, Vitry, France. Artist Contributor in schools for the MACC (Maison d’Art Contemporain Chailloux), Fresnes. Conception and direction of a workshop in collaboration with Geir Haraldseth for the Edith Neville Primary School, with the support of the Camden Arts Council, King’s Cross, London. + Art Handler for National Museums, Liverpool. Art Handler for Bluecoat, Liverpool. Freelance Translator English/French - French/English for artists and contemporary art publications. Expertise and Art Handler for the company Globart, Paris. Exhibition Manager Assistant for the Jeu de Paume, Paris. Set Designer Assistant, Télévision Suisse Romande, Geneva. r e s i d e n c i e s Delme Synagogue Contemporary Art Centre, Lindre-Basse, France. Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin. The Annex, Jan Van Eyck Academy, Maastricht, Netherlands. 19th International Workshops of the Frac des Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, France. b i b l i o g r a p h y CCQ, issue N°12, p.41. Only the Skin of Water, VOG / Ville de Fontaine. Là, demeure, Simon Bethenod, Olivier Rignault, Zervos Foundation, Vézelay, France. Les Elixirs de Panacée, Marie Griffay, Palais Bénédictine, Fécamp, France. Acclimation: Green Pandemonium, Bénédicte Ramade, Villa Arson, Nice, France. Catherine Francblin, Art Press, February, N°353, p.85-86. Juliette Soulez, Art 21, November 2008-January 2009, p.68-69. Acclimatation, Manou Farine, L’Oeil, December, N°608, p.87-89. Mutatis mutandis, Claire Moulène, Les Inrockuptibles, N°676, p.92. Third Singularity, Semaines, bimonthly, November-December, N°13, p.20-43, Analogues, Arles, France. Pascal Bircher, seven forty pm, Semaines, weekly, September 26th, N° 182, Analogues. Édifices et interstices, Alain Berland, Mouvement, N°46, p.66. Quand le fil rouge est bleu, Sean James Rose, Libération, June 14th, p.34. Philippe Dagen, Le Monde, January 13th, p.26. Beaux Arts Magazine, spécial FIAC, p.76. Super, Frac des Pays de la Loire, Images En Manoeuvres Éditions, Marseille, France. Oeuvres de Genèse, Sean James Rose, Libération, June 24-25th, p.28. Premier Jour, Yann Chateigné, Zéro Deux, N°39, p.43-44. Super Bowl, Patrice Joly, Zéro Deux, N°37, p.43-44. Frédéric Wecker, Art 21, N°6, p.58-61. |